Showing posts with label CHEAT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHEAT. Show all posts


Android alchemy cheat list (20/300)

  1. fire
  2. water
  3. air
  4. earth
  5. dust=air+earth
  6. frekentein=corpse+electricity
  7. wood=tool+tree
  8. swamp=earth+water
  9. energy=fire+air
  10. life=swamp+energy
  11. light bulb=glass+electricity
  12. corpse=man+fire
  13. light=light bulb+electricity
  14. rainbow=light+water
  15. lichen=mushroom+bactearia
  16. fruit=tree+flower
  17. fire elemental=fire+life
  18. lava=fire+earth
  19. algae=water+life
  20. carbon dioxide=man+oxygen